Thursday, December 27, 2018

52 weeks of sewing challenge

In 2018 I started doing this, but life got in the way.  This year I am trying again and will try to do better.  So, what is the challenge all about?  Really, to get you sewing and sharing each week, and there are sponsors to give away a prize or two each week.  For me, I want to be sewing things.  Clothing for myself and my grandkids.  I have big ideas, all these awesome plans, but I am not always a finisher.  So, I am hoping that by sharing my goals, I will accomplish them.

With the 52 Week Sewing challenge, we are given a challenge each week.  There  is a list for the year, so you can be planning ahead.  I have taken the first quarter challenges and put them on trello, an app that a friend told me about, then I can make a checklist.  I have also put them on my calendar to hopefully, help me look at things on a regular basis and see where I am.  We have to post each Sunday, by a certain time, if we accepted the challenge or went rogue and a picture of what we made.

The challenge starts on Dec. 31.  The first challenge?  Organize your sewing area.  This one is a bit of a challenge for me, as I am getting my sewing room, actually my whole basement remodeled, after having a sewage flood.  But, since everything from my sewing room was thrown in garbage bags, I am getting all of that organized.  I have a spreadsheet list of my fabrics, what they may be intended for, and the yardage that I have.  Some fabrics are specifically for clothes and some are for quilts and clothes.    All of my fabrics are then going in clear plastic totes, and each tote is numbered.  This way, I can look at what I want to make, find my pattern and fabric, and get it organized.

I currently have about 9 totes of fabrics, 2 totes that are projects to be quilted, and 2 totes of projects I am currently working on. 

Today, I will take time to choose what my projects will be for the next month, find my fabrics, and start  getting  things prepared.   I like that we can work ahead of schedule, as I work full time and it will help me.  Some projects may be bigger than others, depending on what I choose to make.

I could use some new clothes.  My hubby suggested I make a dress for myself.  It has been a while since I have sewn for myself, but I hate buying clothes.  I can get a much better fit, if I sew for myself.  So, I am going to work on this challenge this year.

Would you like to learn more about the challenge or join in?  You can find the info by going to Facebook and searching 52 Week Sewing challenge. 
I am going to try each week to share on this blog, but if you follow my facebook page, Sew Cute Couture by Kathy, the projects will be on there. 

Here is hoping I have a very productive  2019.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Halloween Costume Tour with seams sew lo

I am so excited to share this with you today.  This was actually made a few years ago for one of my daughters and now my oldest granddaughter can wear it.  Poodle skirts are so much fun.

This skirt is a bit big for her, but there was no time for adjusting as we were swamped with taking care of damage done by a sewer line clog.  I did lose 10 yards of cotton lycra, as it was on my storage room floor, because I had been using it. When I get my sewing room organized, after repair work, I will have a table just for cutting.  It did hit my sewing room, so, right now

Back to the poodle skirt.  I used Simplicity 8774, which I think is out of print, but Simplicity 5401 is very similar.    It would be fun to add a cute top to this and a jacket, specifically a pink bomber jacket with Pink Ladies written on the back.  Yes, I am a Grease fan.  But, I did not have time.   Fabric used, it seems like it was a felt.  It feels like that.

I hope you are having a fun time getting ready for Halloween.   What are you or your children or grandchildren dressing up as?  I love to read comments, and try to reply fast.

Please check out my friends who are also blogging today.

Are you ready to see all of the new Halloween costumes on the DIY Sewing Pattern Blog Tour? Me too!! Go ahead and follow along with us!

  • October 8th: Seams Sew Lo
  • October 9th: Momma Newey's Makes
  • October 10th: Itsy Littles
  • October 11th: Aurora Designs
  • October 12th: Mijn 11jes &ik
  • October 13th: Seams Sew Lo
  • October 14th: My Golden Thimble
  • October 15th: Make It Sew With Bear and Pea
  • October 16th: Duchess and Hare
  • October 17th: A Rose Tinted World
  • October 18th: Cute. Sew. Make
  • October 19th: Custom Made by Laura
  • October 20th: My Golden Thimble
  • October 21st: Crafty Curly Couture
  • October 22nd: Malounami
  • October 23rd: Seams Sew Lo
  • October 24th: A Rose Tinted World
  • October 25th: GYCT Designs
  • October 26th: Crafting Through Time
  • October 27th: Aurora Design Fabrics
  • October 28th: Sew Couture by Kathy
  • October 29th: The Sewing Goatherd
  • October 30th: Manning the Machine
  • October 31st: Seams Sew Lo (Roundup)
  • Have you downloaded the new Seams Sew Lo Sewing App yet??? It is available on Apple and Android! Find and Rate all of your favorite indie sewing pattern designers and fabric companies. Plus find all of their latest sewing deals! Download the App NOW:

    Saturday, October 20, 2018

    T shirts for my Monsters

    Welcome to my day on the sewing by Ti blog hope for the Monster Tour.

    This is a shirt that was made for my 4-year old grandson. He loves it! I didn't have time to sew something as i am working tons of overtime, as in 14 - 16 hour days, so  my daughter went and bought a white shirt from Wal-Mart and decorated it using fabric markers.

    The best thing about doing a t shirt like this is the fact that the children can help.

    Monday, October 1st- Sewing By Ti (intro)
    2nd- Tales from a Southern Mom
    3rd- Shalini's Sewing Space
    4th- Tenille's Thread
    5th- Sewing By Ti

    Monday, October 8th- Back 40 Life
    9th- Family of Makers
    10th- Made for Little Gents
    11th- Big Fly Notions

    Sunday, October 14th- The Fairy Dust Bin
    17th- Sewing With D
    18th- 52 Week Sewing Challenge
    19th- Auschick Sews
    20th- Sew Cute Couture by Kathy

    Sunday, October 21st- The Bear and the Pear Atelier
    22nd- Seams Like Style
    23rd- Seams Sew Lo
    24th- My Heart Will Sew On
    25th- JOT Designs USA
    26th- My Sewing Roots
    27th- Manning the Machine

    Monday, October 29th- Frulle Mieke
    30th- Sew Like a Sloth
    31st- Sewing By Ti

    Thursday, August 30, 2018

    Back to school for boys blog hop

    I am so excited for this tour.  I love sewing for my grandkids, and it is fun to feature boys and the fun things you can make for them. Back to School Boys Blog Tour hosted by Made for Little Gents We're making back to school fashion fun for boys with all these makes!
    I appreciate Sunni at Made for little gents for putting this blog tour together.  

    Today I am featuring a raglan pattern from  the pattern is Ragtag Raglan for boys.

    My little grandson just love this shirt and it is made in his favorite color, which is blue. When he first got this shirt he wore it pretty much non stop.

    This shirt is a very easy shirt to make.  It goes together very fast. I have more of these to make, just need to find the time to do it.

    I hope you will take some time to try out this pattern.

    Check out what each contributor has made: Thurs. Aug. 23 | Made for Little Gents (Intro to Back to School Boys Blog Tour) Fri. Aug. 24 | Tenille's Thread Mon. Aug. 27 | Sewing with D Tues. Aug. 28 | Made for Little Gents Wed. Aug. 29 | Custom Made by Laura Thurs. Aug. 30 | Sew Cute Couture by Kathy | Paisley Roots Fri. Aug. 31 | My Sewing Roots | Ronda B. Handmade

    Monday, July 9, 2018

    The twirly baptism dress

    Every little girl needs to feel like the princess she is, and this dress does just that. This pattern has been in my sewing room for a while. I always thought it would be a cute dress for a flower girl dress, but it never happened.

    What it did happen for is my granddaughters baptism dress.  She had asked me to make her one. Of course, I said I would.  She wanted a yellow sash, but other than that, I was free to do what I wanted.

    This dress has pleats instead of gathers.  In the petticoat that attaches to the dress, there is a total of 656 inches of gathered tulle.

    I knew the dress was full, but was not aware of how full, until the photographer spread the dress out.  I love it as does she.  This dress also has a great twirl factor.

    Her little sister has requested the same dress for her baptism,  but she wants a pink sash.  The pattern for this dress is now out of print, but is Butterick 5705.  Can I make a recommendation?   When buying a pattern you think you will love, but it in all the size combinations. I am sad that I can't get it in bigger sizes.

    Changing up a basic tee for boys

    I would like to thank for letting me join this blog hop.   The pattern was generously donated to us by  this pattern is the primary tee pattern. We were asked to change up the pattern in some way, by adding color blocking, applique, embroidery, whatever.  My original plan was to do some applique, but I started late. I was in the process of finishing a baptism dress for my granddaughter.  So, I decided to do the sleeves in a different color.
    The grandson this is for loves blue. There is some blue in here.

    I love this pattern. I was having issues last night with my serger, and that is why the hem is a bit wavy.  Doesn't it seem like things go wrong when you are in a big hurry?

    This pattern is very easy to stitch up and honestly stitches up fast. I am going to be making more of these. In fact, I may go home and cut some out after work today.

    Please join the other bloggers on this tour. And enter the giveaway.

    Kicking Off The Changing Up The Tee Blog Tour Thanks for reading! Check out what other bloggers are doing and come up with ideas for changing up the tee by following along with the blog tour below: Fri. June 29 Made for Little Gents (Intro to Tour) Mon. July 2 Family of Makers Tues. July 3 Made for Little Gents Wed. July 4 Frullemieke Thurs. July 5 Made by Laura! Fri. July 6 Auschick Sews Mon. July 9 Kate Will Knit | Sew Cute Couture by Kathy Tues. July 10 Tenille's Thread | Mahlica Designs Wed. July 11 Momma Newey's Makes | Our Play Place Thurs. July 12 My Sewing Roots | Elli and Nels Fri. July 13 Dreams and Stitches | Stylin' Stacy Ready for the giveaway to GYCT Designs Shop? Here you go! Good luck!

    Thursday, June 14, 2018

    Guys and Patriotic Vibes blog tour -

    Welcome to my new blog. I decided to keep quilting and sewing separate.

    My goal is to blog about all of my clothing makes here. I want to be able to share things I have learned throughout my 45 years of sewing.

    Welcome to the Guys and Patriotic Vibes blog tour. This blog tour is hosted by

    Today I am sharing a cute t shirt, but not made by me. Life got a bit crazy.  I have had some long hours at work.

    The shirt I am sharing was picked up at a Children's entrepreneurial fair. My granddaughters participate in these, and my daughter liked this shirt.  They encourage the kids to make the things they sell as well as collect the money.

    The kids my daughter bought this from said they used their mom's Cricut machine to make the aplique. They said their mom watches them but they do it.

    What a fun idea to make with your kids for the 4th of July.  Now, if you are like me, and you don't have one, you can always make designs like this, and use fabric with a fusible Web backing, such as wonder under and put it on with a zigzag stitch.

    Next month with this tour, we will share ideas on changing up a t shirt pattern to customize it.

    In the meantime, I have some fun blogs that I will be sharing with you. So be sure to follow me, so you don't miss anything.

    Please visit my friends who have also joined in on this tour and see what they have done. We still have time to make things for the 4th of July. I will be sharing the patriotic makes for my group of 6 grandkids as soon as they are done.

    Guys and Patriotic Vibes Blog Tour hosted by Made for Little Gents Celebrate America with the rest of us! Follow along with the Guys and Patriotic Vibes Blog Tour hosted by Made for Little Gents by viewing each blog contributor below. Fri. June 1 | Made for Little Gents (Intro to Guys and Patriotic Vibes Blog Tour) Mon. June 4 | Family of Makers Tues. June 5 | Made for Little Gents Wed. June 6 | Paisley Roots Thurs. June 7 | My Sewing Roots Fri. June 8 | EYMM Mon. June 11 | Ellie & Nels in Stitches Tues. June 12 | Custom Made by Laura Wed. June 13 | Our Play Palace Thurs. June 14 | Sew Cute Couture by Kathy Fri. June 15 | Dreams & Stitches | The Sewing Goatherd

    Tuesday, May 29, 2018

    Organizing PDF patterns A Tuesday tips and tutorial.


    Welcome to my new blog. I decided that I wanted to  separate the sewing and the quilting. So, I am hoping this works well.

    One of my goals is to blog at least one time each week, but more often when I can and when I have things to share.

    I use a lot of PDF patterns and I don't always want to reprint each pattern each time I need a different size. So, I print all sizes of the patterns. If you use PDF patterns, you know that they are often done in layers, so you can print specific layers. I send  mine to the copy center, and just have them print it as you see it on the screen. I then trace my patterns onto butcher paper.

    Once I trace the sizes I will be using, I then roll the master pattern up, put a rubber band around it and write the name on it.

    Then, I put it in a mailing tube and write the pattern info on the tube.

    For the ones I have traced, I put them in a file folder, label the folder with the size info  and put them in a filing cabinet.

    I divide my drawers in the cabinet, in the following way. Top is baby and toddlers  up to size 4. . 2nd is kids sizes 5 and up. 3rd drawer is women's and 4th is men's and crafts.  The instructions are stored in my tablet as well as a flash drive for backup.

    This has worked well for me.

    I would love to hear what you do for organization  for your patterns.   Please leave a comment and be sure to follow me on my social media.